07FebThe Origins of FashionThe fashion industry is one sector that is continuously evolving. Since the industry is linked to one crucial basic need, it is not likely to come to
01JanTop Interesting Facts About FashionMany fashion enthusiasts brag about knowing important information about different garments, such as the history of the little black dress, still, ther
12DecFacts on the Most Expensive Piece of Clothing in HistoryIf you have come across the Forever Marylin statue in New York or have heard about the 1955 movie The Seven Year Itch, you likely have a clue about th
19NovFashion Trends During the Industrial RevolutionFashion was quite different during the Industrial Revolution. One, you could tell what societal class one ranked by how they dressed. Wealthy people w
28OctTop 3 Fashion Cities Across the WorldFashion is expressed differently by various cultures. In this era, every city carries a different culture since we no longer concentrate on tribes. At